Monday, September 30, 2013

Fall at Parvilla Cycle & Multisport

Fall at Parvilla Cycle & Multisport 
We’re into Fall and as many of you would have noticed from this past week that the temperatures are awesome for riding. Racing is done for the year (apart from you 'crosser's) and it's time to get some great social rides in, or even look forward to next season. At Parvilla we have a host of ways to help you achieve all your goals  in 2014....we have a great Fall bike sale going on now, also Computrainer classes start soon and it is always a good time to get properly fit on your bike!

Computrainer Training Sessions
If you have been to the store you will have noticed the Multirider Computrainer training studio
. The Fall Training Session starts the week of October 22nd and the 8-week sessions are available to book online .These classes do sell out so be quick to sign-up.

The Training Center features a custom designed 8 station multi-rider Computrainer system.  Instead of riding a one size fits all spin bike at your local gym, our system requires you to ride YOUR bike producing effective real-life training. 

Morning and evening classes will be available Tuesday and Thursday  as well as Wednesday evening.  As winter approaches two classes will also be available on Saturday mornings. Classes begin October 22nd and run for 8 weeks until Christmas (with a break for Thanskgiving).  More details are at the website where you can also sign up.

For more details please contact Parvilla Cycles at 443-949-7130 or at

Fall Bike Sale
We currently have some great deals on in-stock clearance bikes ranging from entry level road bikes all the way to carbon race bikes! All brands are included....Giant, Orbea, Colnago and Quintana Roo  Check out the clearance page on the website or better yet come on into the store and take them for a test ride!

Just one of these bikes is the Orbea Aqua Dama TSR, an awesome bike to get into road riding, perfect for the start of Fall!

Orbea Aqua Dama TSR now $788! MSRP $899

Get Your Fit On!
How many times have you seen the position below?? We see it nearly every day. Believe it or not the rider thought his original position was ok! That is until he was properly fit and his comfort and efficiency factor went through the roof!! Century season is in full swing, get your fit on! 
All fittings are by appointment only.

Call: 443-949-7130

Email: or visit the Fitting Services and Pricing information page to schedule online

Friday, September 13, 2013

What were you doing this past weekend?

This past weekend the Parvilla Cycle & Multisport Elite Triathlon Team were busy competing around the US.

Crissy Fuentes, fresh off an age group win at Ironman Mont Tremblant, raced at the Ironman 70.3 World Championships in Las Vegas.  How many people can race a 70.3m Worlds races just three weeks after an Ironman and still call it a training race for the Ironman World Championships on Oct 12th?  Not many.......and she still raced to a 3rd place podium spot!

Crissy Fuentes on her custom Guru CR.901 at Ironman 70.3M Worlds

On a regional level, Allison LaRochelle raced in the Elite Women's field at The Nations Triathlon in Washington D.C.  Forgoing her usual age group win and racing the Elite field for the very first time as she trains for Ironman Florida in November, Allison placed a great 12th overall. Everything points to an awesome first Ironman.

Allison LaRochelle at Nations on her custom Guru CR.901

What did you do this weekend?